In Memory

Chris Leche

News has arrived of the passing of colleague Chris Leche on March 22, 2023. Chris taught English, American Literature, and Creative Writing in the European Division from 1996 to 2005.

In June of 2020, it was apparent that Chris was "working her way through Advanced Alzheimer's and Frontal lobe dementia."

Her husband Jacques said, "Sad to watch such a quick decline in an intelligent, vital and otherwise healthy person." By June of 2021, after in home care by both Jaques and professional care workers, Jacques found her an apartment in a care facility where she could be surrounded by her own furniture and mementoes from all of her travels.

Today (March 22, 2023) Jacques said, "I’m sad to report that Chris passed during the night. She was unresponsive when they went in to get her ready for breakfast this morning. EMS was called but no resuscitation was done. Heather is here with me, and I am doing okay. Chris is at peace."

Jacques can be reached at

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03/28/23 05:34 AM #1    

Roy Watkins

I am very, very sorry to see this news, and my deep condolences go to Chris's husband and all who knw her. I have been trying to contact her, because she was one of the editors of the UM literary mag 'Constellation, 2006-7) in which a piece of my work under the title "A wartime Sequence" was published. I wished to send Chris a copy of the completed book, published last year, when it was shortlisted (a list of 3) for the P.E.N prize for autobiography. I do wish I had been in time.

Roy Watkins.

01/13/25 11:06 PM #2    

Debra Rosenthal

Chris was modest and just brilliant. Im sorry to hear she's gone, and glad she was safe and loved to the end. Condolences to her friends and family.

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