Adelphi Summary

OMA’s April 1-2, 2016 Gathering attracted some 60 members, spouses and friends to the Center of Adult Education in Adelphi.  UMUC sponsored this event as it did a previous one in 2013.  Members connected at a welcome reception Friday evening held in the University Arts Program main exhibit gallery.  More informal time Saturday morning gave members a chance to continue the evening’s conversations.

At lunch, John Golembe, OMA’s co-chair, introduced two overseas alumni who told poignant stories about their struggles to complete degrees.  They praised Maryland faculty who had guided and encouraged them. John then introduced UMUC President Javier Miyares who gave a state of the University talk, surveying recent challenges and laying out new directions for the next years.

An afternoon session followed with three thirty-minute segments each introduced by OMA co-chair, Julian Jones.  To start, a panel of current overseas leaders described today’s European and Asian programs.  After a question period, Julian started the second segment by telling the group that UMUC will make a documentary film to celebrate its 70th anniversary in 2017.  Michael Freedman, who leads UMUC’s communications office, then spoke about the resources his staff would bring to the project. He wants it to be good enough to reach public television.  Next, UMUC’s archivist, who is assisted by OMA member Rosemary Hoffmann, asked for OMA’s help collecting photos, memoirs and film footage members may have that could enliven the documentary. OMA’s Bruce Janoff described his continuing efforts to videotape interviews with members. The third session began with Julian’s announcement of an OMA Scholarship Fund to help military students when tuition assistance is conditional or delayed and to assist spouses who wish to take courses. (To learn more about the OMA Scholarships, go to

John and Julian then answered questions, noted the good work done by several OMA volunteers and thanked UMUC for its sponsorship. They closed the meeting with “Auf Wiedersehen”, hoping to see everyone at the next OMA Gathering in Heidelberg, October 7-9.  Details will soon be available.